Other conditions and symptoms can also be treated with acupuncture such as allergy and fibromyalgia. A number of studies have shown acupuncture’s effectiveness for treating a wide range of conditions. Not everyone is a candidate for acupuncture. Consider consulting an acupuncturist only if you have discussed it with your doctor and find a practitioner who is licensed, skilled, and qualified.
Traditional Chinese medicine studies explain that health is caused by a balance of yin and yang in the life force qi, which is translated into the Western language as chi. It is said that illness is caused by an imbalance of forces. Human meridians, or pathways, are believed to be the conduits that carry Qi. 350 acupuncture points in the body provide access to these energy flows and meridians. It is said that fusions of needles inserted in these points restore the balance of energy.
Using sterile needles by an acupuncture practitioner who is competent and certified is safe. There are many possible side effects of micro-needling, including bruising and swelling where the needles were inserted. As an alternative to multi-use needles, disposable needles have become the preferred practice standard, so the risk of infection is minimal. There aren’t always good candidates for acupuncture. Complications can result if you do the following:
Apart from relieving pain related to the ailments mentioned above, did you know acupuncture is also effective for allergies, anxiety, and depression?
Acupuncture has been well-researched for its ability to reduce inflammation throughout the body. By stimulating certain chemicals, acupuncture reduces swelling and quiets unwanted immune and allergic responses. The digestive system is also strengthened through acupuncture, which can worsen allergies due to unrecognized inflammation. Regular acupuncture treatments can be effective in treating seasonal allergies in just a few weeks.
The digestive system may be malfunctioning if you experience gas, bloating, constipation, or bowel changes. Regulating digestion is one of the benefits of acupuncture. In Chinese medicine, there is an entire school of thought dedicated to treating digestive problems, based on the theory that a healthy gut is a balanced body.
Sciatica is a highly painful disorder caused by compression of the sciatic nerve – a very long nerve that starts with the lower back and branches down into both legs before reaching the feet. Sciatica sufferers know that over-the-counter medications can make it more difficult to cope with the pain. It feels as though it is somewhere on the nerve, preventing you from enjoying the simple things in life. In addition to providing excellent pain relief, acupuncture is also incredibly beneficial for treating sciatica. Only a few acupuncture sessions later, a patient for whom I had been seeing for years is no longer in pain. There is no reason not to try it.
There are many forms of insomnia. There are some people who find it difficult to fall asleep, while others feel tired but then find that their brains instantly become active once they lie down. Others find it easy to fall asleep, but can’t stay asleep after waking up late at night, usually between 3 and 4 a.m. Both falling and staying asleep are problems for some people. People with insomnia can benefit greatly from the use of acupuncture needles and herbal medicine together.
Stabilizing one’s emotional state can be challenging, and acupuncture can bring balance and regulate feelings in those who often feel unsettled. A calm state of mind is promoted when your nervous system is stimulated. Feeling settled, grounded, and positive is a benefit of meditation. Additionally, it reduces stress in the body by relaxing the brain and muscles.
Acupuncture treatment does not require any special preparation.
In selecting an acupuncturist, follow the same steps you would when choosing a physician:
The purpose of acupuncture is to provide relief from pain, not to create it. Acupuncture is quite painless, which is a surprise for new patients. A few people describe neither sensation nor tingling, warmth, soreness, numbness, or heaviness after the needles are inserted. In some cases, acupuncture can be uncomfortable, especially if you suffer from chronic pain and stress. However, any pain from a treatment will never exceed the pain from your symptoms currently. Your experience of a painless acupuncture treatment also depends on the practitioner’s technique, so choose someone you can trust.
The body of every person has a history of ailments and abilities that are unique to itself. Your acupuncturist should be able to understand your symptoms, side effects, or concerns.
Many people find acupuncture helpful in managing a variety of painful conditions, but the benefits are sometimes difficult to quantify. The results of several studies suggest, however, that some types of simulated acupuncture are as effective as traditional acupuncture. In addition, it has been demonstrated that acupuncture benefits people who expect it to work. If you are experiencing pain and are unable to control it with more conventional methods, you may want to try acupuncture.
If you are interest in acupuncture treatment, WeCare Medical Specialty Group can help you. We have five offices across Northern Jersey. Please call our office at (973)996-2990 or book an appointment online immediately.
Acupuncture is an archaic Chinese healing practice that applies to inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate and balance the flow of energy (Qi) through the body. It is commonly used to treat pain, stress, and various other health conditions.
Acupuncture needles are skinny, so the vast majority of people do not experience pain during the treatment. You may feel a slight tingling or sensation when the needle is inserted, but it should not be painful.
Acupuncture treats a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, migraines, anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, and infertility. It can also be used to support overall wellness and balance in the body.
Acupuncture treatments typically last between 30-60 minutes, depending on the condition being treated and the practitioner's approach. Some people may require multiple sessions to see significant results.
Acupuncture is generally assumed safe when performed by a licensed and experienced practitioner. The needles used are sterile and disposable, and the treatment is non-invasive. However, some people may experience gentle side effects such as soreness or bruising at the needle site. It is essential to discuss any health concerns with your practitioner before beginning acupuncture treatment.