By removing needles from specific points on the skin, acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine treatment that treats multiple conditions. In addition to treating many conditions, acupuncture is also used to relieve pain. It is widely recognized that acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for various types of pain.
Every time a needle is inserted, the insertion site receives a very small amount of injury. Although it’s negligible, so little that the body doesn’t feel it, but sufficient enough to let it know that something is happening. Contemporary research on acupuncture relies largely on this theory. It entails stimulating the immune system, increasing the amount of circulation in the area, and decreasing pain.
Pain relief can be achieved with acupuncture since ancient times. Acupuncture treats your body holistically, so it does not only reduce pain immediately but also prevents pain from returning in the future. Traditional medicine doctors often recommend acupuncture for pain because it is so effective.
Chronic pain can be effectively treated by acupuncture, a natural therapy. Your body releases endorphins and other pain-relieving substances as the needles stimulate your body. As well as increasing electromagnetic signals within your body, they also increase cell-to-cell contact. Healing and pain reduction can be achieved in this way.
The goal of acupuncture is to move around one’s stuck qi and balance the body’s overall energy. If you have physical pain as a result of stuck or deficient qi, such as migraine headaches, low back pain, or osteoarthritis, acupuncture could be worth trying.
As a result of acupuncture, your body’s blood is circulated to various parts and your muscles are relaxed. The benefits of it also extend to your health and wellbeing. It can enhance your immune system as well. In contrast to conventional medications, it raises the level of your whole body health instead of bringing it down to reduce pain (like medicines do).
Pain can manifest in many different ways, and acupuncture is effective for treating nearly all types of pain. Sprains or strains can cause back pain, which is common. Most acupuncturists treat back pain with distal needles placed on other parts of the body. Your acupuncturist may use local needles on your back to treat your pain. Acupuncture practitioners often use cupping in conjunction with needle insertion.
In spite of the lack of evidence in support of acupuncture as a miraculous cure-all, it may nonetheless be worth the time and effort for those with multiple conditions or illnesses. As research grows, so will our knowledge of what actually works and what doesn’t. It has been around for more than 2,500 years for a reason.
The acupuncture treatment for arthritis is another popular form of pain management. Your body is afflicted with arthritis in many joints. Acupuncturists insert needles at important points along the meridians directly at the areas where you suffer arthritis pain, as well as other key points along the meridians.
You may have the impression that acupuncture is only effective for treating skeletal and muscular pain. Treatment of migraine headaches has been proven to be effective with it as well. In addition to treating migraine pain, acupuncture can also prevent headaches in the future. Your acupuncturist can eliminate migraines permanently by focusing on the areas that control your emotional state, blood flow to your head, and hormonal balance.
In order to alleviate the pain of any type, acupuncture is the right remedy. Your acupuncturist will identify your pain during your first consultation and create a treatment plan that will help you heal. With just one session of acupuncture, the benefits of pain relief are immediately apparent.
Acupuncture treatment aims to help your body flow with positive energy once more.
As well as removing negative energy, this product claims to remove pain as well. Acupuncture stimulates many of your body’s systems from a modern medical perspective. An immune response may be triggered.
Throughout the body, acupuncture points are divided into zones. Different pressure points are targeted by acupuncture needles depending on your symptoms. Near the nerves in your body are these needle points. Your body releases endorphins when the needle stimulates the nerves. Migraine and tension headaches are thought to be relieved by this stimulation of the immune and circulation systems.
In the hands of a qualified acupuncturist, acupuncture poses little risk. After your first acupuncture appointment, you may experience bruising, fatigue, and soreness.
Performing acupuncture with substandard or dirty equipment is associated with very serious health risks, according to the National Centers for Complementary and Integrative Health. The US regulates the use of acupuncture needles by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Acupuncture needles are intended for one-time use only.
Prior to your first appointment, do your research on the acupuncturist you’d like to see, and leave without feeling comfortable if you don’t. To ensure that your practitioner is using sterile and new needles, monitor their use. Questions are important, so don’t be afraid to ask them. It’s important for a good acupuncturist to ensure that you’re comfortable and feel safe during the procedure.
Even with acupuncture, chronic headache pain may not be completely relieved. The use of pain medication should be considered when your daily life is affected by migraines, tension headaches, or cluster headaches.
Treatment appointments with acupuncture do not require any special preparation. It may be helpful to prepare questions beforehand if this is your first time. Treatments should be scheduled according to how many times you can expect to experience relief and how often.
Several clinical studies recommend twice-weekly acupuncture treatments for cluster headaches for two weeks, followed by a treatment every other week for eight weeks and maintenance treatments every other week thereafter.
When acupuncture needles are inserted, some people feel a stinging sensation. In some people, nothing will happen. You may be more relaxed about the procedure if you contact your physician to discuss any discomfort concerns.
Traditional medicine cannot be replaced by acupuncture. Acupuncture should not be used to treat pains that require emergency medical attention. If you have had pain for longer than a few days, please consult our doctor. During your consultation with our pain management specialist, we will make sure you receive the most appropriate treatment.
If you have are interested in acupuncture treatment for pain, WeCare Medical Specialty Group can help you. We have five offices across Northern Jersey. Please call our office at (973)996-2990 or book an appointment online immediately.