In western medicine, acupuncture is used in conjunction with a diagnosis. In addition to stimulating sensory nerves in the skin and muscles, it also involves electrical stimulation. By doing so, the body produces natural substances that relieve pain, such as endorphins. Acupuncture can be beneficial because of the naturally released substances. An acupuncture series is typically more effective than one treatment when addressing chronic pain.
During traditional acupuncture, meridians, or flow of energy, are believed to pass through the body in different channels. It is known as Qi (pronounced “chee”). According to traditional practitioners of acupuncture, illness results when the body’s Qi does not flow freely through it. Acupuncture is also believed to restore Qi flow in the body, restoring health.
The use of acupuncture for pain management dates back thousands of years. In addition to reducing pain immediately, acupuncture can help you avoid future pains in the same place since it treats your body as a whole. In fact, conventional medical doctors commonly recommend acupuncture as a pain treatment.
Natural acupuncture is an effective treatment for chronic pain. Inhaling the needles releases endorphins and other natural pain relievers on your body. In addition, research suggests that they boost electromagnetic signals between cells in your body. Pain can be reduced and healing can be assured.
Various parts of your body receive an increase in blood circulation with acupuncture, while your muscles are relaxed. Furthermore, it can improve your immune system’s efficiency and help promote emotional well-being. While conventional medications reduce pain, it raises the level of health throughout your whole body (instead of bringing your health down).
Regardless of what type of pain you are experiencing, acupuncture can treat it all effectively. A sprain or strain can result in back pain, which is very common. Local needles can be used on your back to treat your pain, but most acupuncturists use distal needles on other parts of your body. In addition to needle insertion, your acupuncturist may utilize cupping or electrical stimulation.
Another common type of pain that can be treated with acupuncture is arthritis. Your body’s joints can be affected by arthritis in many different ways. The needles you receive from your acupuncturist may be inserted directly at the spot where you are experiencing arthritis pain or at other important points along the meridians.
Despite what many people believe, acupuncture can treat more than skeletal and muscular pain. As a migraine treatment, it has also proven effective. Pain can be relieved and migraines may even be prevented with acupuncture. With acupuncture, your acupuncturist can eliminate migraines completely by targeting areas regulating blood flow to the head, emotions and hormones.
Acupuncture can help you regardless of the type of pain you are experiencing. Acupuncturists work with their clients to identify pain and create treatments that heal the body from the inside out. Using acupuncture to treat pain will start yielding benefits after just one session.
Some causes of infertility have been treated using acupuncture for centuries. Tubal adhesions, for example, that are the result of pelvic inflammatory disease and endometriosis, are not treated by acupuncture. Although acupuncture and herbs may not be beneficial in this situation, the potential effects of improved ovarian and follicular function could still be beneficial in this situation. It has been shown that acupuncture can also promote an abundant endometrium by increasing blood flow.
After insemination or transfer, your acupuncturist shouldn’t use needles in the abdomen and pelvis. In cases of pregnancy or suspected pregnancy, there are six acupuncture points that should not be used. There are also points on the lower abdomen, such as the gallbladder 21, stomach 12, large intestine 4, spleen 6, and bladder 60.
When used for fertility treatment, acupuncture poses minimal risks. Incorrectly selected acupuncture points may lead to miscarriage in pregnant women. One reason why acupuncturists who specialize in the treatment of fertility disorders should be consulted by those considering acupuncture as a treatment option! There is no contraindication for anyone to use acupuncture, regardless of their symptoms or medications they are taking.
In addition to treating spasms in the tubes, acupuncture can help treat other types of fertility disorders. (While blocked tubes cannot be unblocked with acupuncture, spasmed tubes are often de-spasmed). Acupuncture is often combined with herbs to treat elevated follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), unexplained (idiopathic) infertility, repeated pregnancy loss, luteal phase defect, hyperprolactinemia (when not caused by a prolactinoma), male factor including men affected with sperm-DNA-fragmentation, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) with anovulatory cycles.
PMS and cramps can be relieved with acupuncture for young women just beginning their periods. Normal activities can be conducted without interference from the menstrual cycle. It is possible that your mother described her first period as difficult until she had a baby. It won’t take too long, though. When PMS symptoms are treated, they usually begin to disappear within a few weeks.
More long-term care is beneficial for chronic menstrual problems. Herbal medicine combined with acupuncture can relieve pain and stop bleeding caused by fibroids and endometriosis.
It is possible that acupuncture helps solve infertility problems for women trying to conceive. An acupuncture treatment after childbirth can restore and replenish a mother’s energy.
Women in menopause can reduce hot flashes (power surges) and night sweats to make this transition period a lot more comfortable. Stopping excessive sweating and restoring restfulness are the main goals of treatment.
If you are interested in acupuncture, WeCare Medical Specialty Group can help you. We have five offices across Northern Jersey. Please call our office at (973)996-2990 or book an appointment online immediately.